Create Water Security In A Drying Climate
Get your copy of Be Water Rich: Principles For Creating Water Abundance & 5 Counter-Intuitive Methods For Drought-Proofing Your Land.
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What will I learn in Be Water Rich?
Learn the principles that govern decision-making that is guaranteed to create a water positive landscape – the Four R’s Of Regenerative Hydrology and how you can implement them simply with no more than a shovel and your brain!
- Receive = Income
- Retain = Deposit
- Recharge = Savings
- Release = Expense
Effective methods for improving water retention and income – Counter-intuitive and lesser-known techniques to harvest and store more moisture on your land for longer to the benefit of all living systems.
Join us in creating a world worth inheriting
True and lasting wealth is always tied to the health of soil and water. Be a part of rebuilding the ecological foundation for a prosperous, beautiful present a future to be proud of. Use the simple principles, methods and techniques contained in this booklet to be a part of the solution by patterning your land to become water rich.